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Subject: Re: uh... It was me : Confessions and Explanations : Part 4 ( 18 of 26 )
Posted by Slanty Pants

Jolly Well Done Jeremy!

You must get the prize for the longest posted thread (although I'm sure I'll be contradicted here). Anyway it certainly gives a challenge to Chevy.

One of my favourite Oz anecdotes can be found in Clive James's "Unreliable Memoirs" wherein young Master James recounts the tale of "The Day the Dunnyman Called"

For those not in the know a Dunnyman is the unfortunate chap whose job it is to empty the contents of the Dunny, an outdoor privy. This poor individual had the misfortune to trip over said Master James's bike en route back to his truck. After some extremely colourful language ("What in Australia?", I hear you say), there was a moment of absolute silence which was followed by the ever-increasing hum as every fly in the continent descended Chez James.

Of course he desribes it much better than wot I do. (Thank you Ernie Wise).

Congrats again Sir!
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